Nominerer russisk journalist til Nobels fredspris

Stortingsrepresentant Ingjerd Schou (H) i utenriks- og forsvarskomiteen nominerer den russiske journalisten og regimekritikeren Vladimir Vladimirovich Kara-Murza (41) til Nobels fredspris 2023.

Ingjerd Schou
Ingjerd Schou.

– Jeg nominerer Vladimir Vladimirovich Kara-Murza for Nobels fredspris i 2023. Kara-Murza er i dag holdt som politisk fange i Russland, for å ha kritisert krigen i Ukraina og uttalt seg om det russiske Forsvaret, sier stortingsrepresentant Ingjerd Schou.

Kara-Murza er journalist og politisk aktivist, som i en årrekke har forsøkt å avdekke russisk korrupsjon og autoritær undertrykkelse i Russland. Han risikerer nå livet i fangenskap.

– Vi vet i dag at grunnlaget for krigen er et russisk regime tuftet på korrupsjon og undertrykkelse. Kara-Murza står for den viktigste politiske kampen for å få avsluttet krigen i Ukraina, og for å sikre fred i Europa fremover. Han er derfor en verdig kandidat til Nobels fredspris i 2023, sier Schou.

Dette er begrunnelsen Schou har sendt til Nobelkomiteen:

«I wish to use my privilege as a Norwegian Parliamentarian to nominate Mr. Vladimir Vladimirovich Kara-Murza for the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize

The basis for the ongoing war in Ukraine is a corrupt, authoritarian and repressive regime in Russia. In order to secure a peaceful future in Europa, Russian politics must change. Such change must come from within, by domestic opposition.

Mr. Vladimir Vladimirovich Kara-Murza is currently held in political detention in his native Russia. He has worked tirelessly as an author, journalist and political activist to expose corruption and repressive politics in Russia. He is one of the most prominent and brave opposition politicians of his country.

The grounds for his April 22nd 2022 arrest were Russia’s new law banning the dissemination of “false” information about the Russian military, in view of the ongoing deadly invasion the country launched on neighbouring Ukraine. Mr. Kara-Murza faces the possibility of 15 years in prison on these charges, in conditions that may threaten his very life.

Kara-Murza bravery and sacrifice should serve as an inspiration to peaceful opposition to any authoritarian regime. His fight against corruption and aggressive nationalism, as well as his attempts to further openess and free speech, constitutes the most important political struggle for peace in the current era. For this, he is a worthy candidate for the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize.»