
A city for everyone – information about the 2019 Municipal Election in Oslo

You have the right to vote in the 2019 Municipal Election if you meet any of these requirements:

  • You are a Norwegian citizen and will have reached the age of 18 by the end of 2019 and are, or have been, registered as residing in Norway
  • You are a citizen of another Nordic country (i.e. Denmark, Iceland, Finland or Sweden) and will have reached the age of 18 by the end of the year of the election, and have been registered as residing in Norway by 30 June of the year of the election at the latest
  • You are another foreign citizen and have reached the age of 18 by the end of the year of the election, and have been registered as residing in Norway for the last three consecutive years before the election day. In this case, there is a requirement that the period of residence has been consecutive

Oslo Høyre will pursue a conservative progressive policy based on Christian cultural values, the rule of law and democracy to advance personal freedom and social responsibility, co-determination and the right to property, and a binding commitment to national and international cooperation.

Oslo Høyre will:

  • Make sure Oslo’s public schools give all children the same opportunities.
  • Increase the quality of the city’s care for the elderly by giving people the choice between private and public care, paid for by the city.
  • Improve the tuition of Norwegian for immigrants, so it will become easier for them to participate in education and the labour market.
  • Expand Oslo’s public transport so that it benefits as many people as possible.
  • Abolish the municipal property tax on residential properties.

You will find more highlights from our election manifesto below.

Bilde av Saida Begum

Ms Saida Begum, our Mayoral Candidate


Mr. Eirik Lae Solberg, our candidate for the position of Governing Mayor


A city for everyone – whether you travel by the Metro or by car

Let’s give Oslo a public transport solution for the future

Climate change is the biggest challenge of our time. And even though we are a comparatively small city, we can contribute by taking local action that makes a difference.

In Oslo, road transport is the biggest culprit when it comes to emissions, and a source of health-endangering air pollution, especially on cold winter days. By expanding, modernising and improving public transport we will increase the number of passengers who use the buses, trams and the Metro.

We will expand the Oslo Metro underground network for the next 50 years and implement emissions-free public transport, so that everyone can travel greener, safely and more quickly in our busy lives. At the same time, it’s important to remember that families with children, the elderly and people with disabilities will still need to use cars. That’s why it should still be possible to drive in Oslo. We want a city that is available for everyone, also those who can’t take the underground to Stortinget (the Norwegian parliament).

Oslo Høyre will:

  • Build a new underground Metro tunnel from Ensjø via Carl Berners plass to Majorstuen, with new stations at Grünerløkka, Sagene, Ullevål Sykehus and Bislett – this will provide opportunities for five-minute stops throughout the city.
  • Increase the number of bus journeys
  • Replace today’s diesel fuelled buses with emission-free buses as quickly as possible.
  • Ensure that buses get priority at junctions, and can drive without being held up in their own lanes.
  • Provide parking opportunities for those who need to drive cars.

A city for everyone – also the youngest

Let’s create a school system that provides equal opportunities for all children

Whether they are named Ola or Aisha, and whether they grow up at Holmlia or Holmenkollen, and whether their parents are plumbers or accountants: In Oslo all schoolchildren shall enjoy the same opportunities to develop their potential.

The most important thing we can do to prevent children from being left behind, is to ensure a secure childhood for our young people. To prevent poverty and social inequality, we must make sure that everyone who grows up in Oslo receives the same opportunities to thrive at school.

Children need to experience achievement in order to learn, no matter what background they have.  That’s why it’s imperative to focus on basic skills like reading, writing and mathematics. Oslo Høyre wants a school system that enables everyone to succeed – also those from less privileged homes.

Oslo Høyre will:

  • Survey language abilities for nursery children, so that everyone who starts school, are able to understand and speak Norwegian well enough to participate in the classroom.
  • Ensure the number of teachers are adequate, so that all children are seen and get the attention they need.
  • Reintroduce written feedback to all parents of children between grade 1 and grade 10 every six months
  • Keep the rightof the parents and their children’s to choose their school, independent of where they live

A city for everyone – whether your name is Ola or Aisha

All children should be able to speak Norwegian when they start school

Oslo shall be the city of opportunities for everyone who lives here, whether they were born at Sinsen or in Somalia.

We are now more than 650,000 residents from different places with different cultures, and Oslo has become a diverse and exciting city. That also brings with it some challenges. If we are to solve these, everyone must receive the same opportunities, but we must also apply the same demands. Just like the people who have always lived here, those who have just arrived also have to take personal responsibility to participate in and adjust to our culture and society.

To ensure that everyone has a positive experience when they start school, it is of utmost importance to ensure that all children have a good understanding of Norwegian. Better knowledge of Norwegian culture and language also increases the chances of succeeding in attaining education and work. People who enter the workplace, don’t just receive a salary and independence – they also experience belonging, community and meaning in their lives. We want a city with opportunities for everyone, whether they were born here or have moved here.

Oslo Høyre will:

  • Give more immigrants opportunities to complete certificates of apprenticeship and high school education as a part of the programme for the learning of languages (språkopplæringsprogrammet)
  • Demand that all new teachers who are hired to teach Norwegian as a foreign language have the necessary qualifications
  • Introduce a fast-track programme to help recently arrived immigrants with qualifications to get into the labour market
  • Introduce an obligatory course for parents in the programme for immigrants, to create better understanding for the role of parents in modern, Norwegian society


A city for for everyone  – also the oldest among us

The elderly aren’t what they used to be. Today’s pensioners have more education, more resources and are better situated to lead more active lives than those of previous generations.

Many live at home, are in good health and wish to continue to contribute to society. We will accommodate this.

At the same time, getting help when you need it is important for security and quality of life. Our attitude is that everyone who wishes to contribute to better care for the elderly, should be welcomed – also private companies. We don’t believe in forcing one solution on everyone, but would rather accommodate services that are adjusted to the individual’s needs and wishes. By letting private companies take over parts of the council’s care system, we’ll get new solutions which give the elderly a more pleasant and meaningful life, by providing for example pubs, cinemas and shops in care homes. Oslo Høyre wants care for the elderly for everyone, also those who wish to live in a privately run nursing home.

Oslo Høyre will:

  • Let everyone who can and wants to live at home, be allowed to do so for as long as possible
  • Let those who need a place in a nursing home or help at home choose between services provided by the council, or charitable or privately run organisations, paid for by the city.
  • Ensure that married couples and cohabiting couples can live together in a nursing home if they wish to
  • Ensure that those who receive care services get good, nourishing food at normal meal times.