Better solutions for the entire Trøndelag

Together, we can create a Trøndelag with opportunities for all. This is The Conservative Party’s solutions for achieving it.

Schools that prepare the pupils for the future. Through closer co-operation with local businesses, we will be creating better education. We are going to invest in better teachers, strengthen the school health service and lift the vocational subjects. More pupils shall complete upper secondary education and training.

Better roads and good public transport. People and goods must reach their destination. We must use new solutions, and prioritize maintenance and investments in the county roads. We shall have public transport throughout Trøndelag. The people of Trøndelag must arrive quickly and safely home.

Create more jobs. It is the local companies and workplaces that form the basis for the welfare society. Therefore, we must invest in the expertise the companies need and upgrade the infrastructure of our county. Trøndelag needs more jobs and a growing economy.

You can read our plan for Trøndelag here (in Norwegian). Vote Conservative in the municipal and county council elections 9th September!

Do you agree with our solutions for Trøndelag? Join us! (in Norwegian)